Hello Hubs are  innovative, scalable  and  affordable.  Designed to be easily replicated and entirely built by the community.

Hello Hub illustration

Each Hello Hub provides five interrelated elements designed to bring communities online and provide access to world-class education, power and connection.

Meet the Hello Hubs...

Hardware illustrationNumber 1 badge

Robust and modern hardware

8 rugged tablets and Hub infrastructure

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World-class educational software

in local languages for the whole community

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Free Internet

empowering knowledge, connection and communication

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Engineering training

enabling communities to build, maintain and replicate Hubs

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Solar power

often a community’s only power source

Core Programmes

Hello World establishes three core programmes at every Hub to increase the value and accessibility of the Hub in the community.

Built  by the community,  for the community.

We don’t build these Hubs. The communities do. Challenging traditional approaches to development, they learn to build, maintain and repair the Hubs themselves, becoming engineers who can go on to build future Hubs.

It’s a self-sustaining model that relies on mutual investment and radically challenges traditional thinking about development.

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How the Hubs Work:

Each Hello Hub offers: eight screens, educational software, free high-speed WiFi, device charging, lighting and solar power.

Children using ipad photo

Hello Hub 2.0

Like our very first Hello Hub but stepped up to the next level.

All Hubs are wi-fi enabled so everyone can use their own devices.

Waterproof, dust-proof and available 24 hours a day.

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The Story of Hello World

Hello World is born

In 2012 Katrin came across Sugata Mitra's TED talk on the power of child-initiated and child-led learning. She decided that a similar approach to his 'hole-in-the-wall' computers might be one way of remedying the lack of education suffered by many children in emerging economies. The concept of Hello World was born. Sugata became an advisor and valued colleague.

Sugata Mitra giving a TED Talk
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Want to be part of it?

Become a partner and help us close the digital divide. Be part of the community!

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