Build your own Hello Hub!
We are not gatekeepers of progress. Hello Hubs are designed to be replicated.

A “How To” Guide, with instructions for building a Hello Hub:
We want to end the digital divide and give everyone access to the Internet. To achieve this aim, we have created the ultimate How To Build a Hello Hub Guide, so that any community can build a Hello Hub themselves.
Here’s what you will find in the How To Guide:

Community Instructions
A Hub will not be successful if the community does not invest in and build their own Hub. We teach you how to encourage ownership, pride and inclusivity into the Hub from day one.

Engineering Instructions
A detailed kit list with costs, electrical tutorials, and clear instructions for every step of the Hub construction, as well as invaluable tips from our engineers.

Our team members explain the process to you, from engaging an Internet service provider to designing safeguarding protocols. We also provide answers to frequently asked questions such as: how to increase women’s involvement in the build, and how to protect the Hub.

We have included a full list of all software that we use on our tablets, the MoUs that we sign with our communities, job descriptions, project handbooks, and much more.

Support for NGOs
We are all trying to solve difficult problems. If we can add value to your work then we want to help. The guide contains information on our failures and the lessons that we have learned so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel.
Some success stories
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